Cherry Bowl

Treasured Wood

from local fallen trees...

Tom Pleatman

Gratis, GA 30656


Trees That Have Created Bowls for Treasured Wood



Beautiful Wood


Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Beautiful Wood

Sugar Maple

(Acer saccharum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sugar Maple

Norway Maple

(Acer platanoides)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Norway Maple

Silver Maple

(Acer saccharinum)


Red Maple

(Acer rubrum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Red Maple

Japanese Maple

(Acer palmatum)


Paper Bark Maple

(Acer griseum)


Davids Maple

(Acer davidii)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Davids Maple

Sycamore Maple

(Acer pseudoplatanus)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sycamore Maple

London Plane Tree

(Platanus acerifolia)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from London Plane Tree

American Sycamore

(Platanus occidentalis)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from American Sycamore

Sweet Gum

(Liquidambar styraciflua)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sweet Gum

Northern Red Oak

(Quercus rubra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Northern Red Oak

Pin Oak

(Quercus palustris)


Black Oak

(Quercus velutina)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Oak

White Oak

(Quercus alba)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from White Oak

Swamp White Oak

(Quercus bicolor)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Swamp White Oak

Sawtooth Oak

(Quercus acutissimai)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sawtooth Oak

Bender Oak

(Quercus x benderi)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Bender Oak

Osage Orange

(Maclura pomifera)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Osage Orange

Honey Locust

(Gleditsia triacanthos)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Honey Locust

Black Locust

(Robinia pseudoacacia)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Locust


(Celtis occidentalis)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Hackberry


(Asimina triloba)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Pawpaw


(Crataegus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Hawthorn


(Pyrus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Pear

Seckel Pear

(Pyrus communis)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Seckel Pear

Bradford Pear

(Pyrus calleryana)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Bradford Pear

Korean Pear

(Pyrus pyrifolia)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Korean Pear

Black Cherry

(Prunus serotina)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Cherry

Flowering Cherry

(Prunus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Flowering Cherry

Japanese Cherry

(Prunus serrulata)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Japanese Cherry


(Malus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Apple


(Malus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Crabapple

Japanese Flowering Crabapple

(Malus floribunda)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Japanese Crabapple

(Malus sieboldii)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Japanese Crabapple

Southern Crabapple

(Malus angustifolia)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Southern Crabapple


(Taxus baccata)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Yew

Incense Cedar

(Calocedrus decurrens)


Eastern Red Cedar

(Juniperus virginiana )

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Eastern Red Cedar

Alligator Juniper

(Juniperus deppeana )

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Alligator Juniper

Cedar of Lebanon

(Cedrus libani)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Cedar of Lebanon

Blue Atlas Cedar

(Cedrus atlantica)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Blue Atlas Cedar

White Pine

(Pinus strobus)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from White Pine

Table Mountain Pine

(Pinus pungens)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Table Mountain Pine

Eastern Hemlock

(Tsuga canadensis)


Weeping Hemlock

(Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula')


Norway Spruce

(Picea abies)


Douglas Fir

(Pseudotsuga menziesii)


Giant Sequoia

(Sequoiadendron giganteum)


Coast Redwood

(Sequoia sempervirens)


Eastern Redbud

(Cercis canadensis)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Eastern Redbud


(Halesia sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Silverbell


(Sassafras albidum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sassafras

Flowering Dogwood

(Cornus florida var.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Flowering Dogwood

Korean Dogwood

(Cornus kousa)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Korean Dogwood

Black Walnut

(Juglans nigra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Walnut

Pignut Hickory

(Carya glabra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Pignut Hickory


(Carya sp.)


Horse Chestnut

(Aesculus hippocastanum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Horse Chestnut

Chinese Chestnut

(Castanea mollissima)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Chinese Chestnut

Pagoda Tree

(Styphnolobium japonicum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Pagoda Tree

Japanese Raisin Tree

(Hovenia dulcis)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Japanese Raisin Tree


(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Katsura

Chinese Wingnut

(Pterocarya stenoptera)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Chinese Wingnut

Canoe Birch

(Betula papyrifera)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Canoe Birch

River Birch

(Betula nigra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from River Birch

Sweet Birch

(Betula lenta)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Sweet Birch

American Beech

(Fagus grandifolia)


Copper Beech

(Fagus sylvatica cuprea)


Fern Leaf Beech

(Fagus sylvatica var heterophylla forma lacinata)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Fern Leaf Beech

Purple European Beech

(Fagus sylvatica )

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Purple European Beech

Chinese Elm

(Ulmus parvifolia)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Chinese Elm

American Elm

(Ulmus americana)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from American Elm

Amur Corktree

(Phellodendron amurense)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Amur Corktree

Blue Ash

(Fraxinus quadrangulata)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Blue Ash

Green Ash

(Fraxinus pennsylvanica)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Green Ash

American Hophornbeam

(Ostrya Virginiana)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from American Hophornbeam

Princess Tree

(Paulownia tomentosa)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Princess Tree

Tulip Tree

(Liriodendron tulipifera)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Tulip Tree

Hardy Rubber Tree

(Eucommia ulmoides)


Red Mulberry

(Morus rubra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Red Mulberry

Paper Mulberry

(Broussonetia papyrifera)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Paper Mulberry


(Magnolia sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Magnolia

Yulan Magnolia

(Magnolia denudata)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Yulan Magnolia

Tree of Heaven

(Ailanthus altissima)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Tree of Heaven


(Catalpa speciosa)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Catalpa

American Holly

(Ilex opaca)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from American Holly

Kentucky Coffeetree

(Gymnocladus dioicus)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Kentucky Coffeetree


(Cladrastis kentukea)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Yellowwood


(Ginkgo biloba)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Ginkgo

Black Willow

(Salix nigra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Willow

American Linden

(Tilia americana)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from American Linden


(Rhododendron sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Rhododendron

Castor Aralia

(Kalopanax pictus)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Castor Aralia

Lacebark Pine

(Pinus bungeana)


Black Gum

(Nyssa sylvatica)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Black Gum

Chinese Parasol Tree

(Firmiana simplex)


Water Oak

(Quercus nigra)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Water Oak


(Prunus sp.)

Click Here for a photo of a bowl made from Cherry


(Diospyros virginiana)



(Acer negundo)



Copyright 2007-2020 TreasuredWood

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Feb 27, 2020